Energy Efficiency Advice, Tips & Advice

Are Your Electronics Bumping Up Your Power Bill?

Australia has one of those climates where you shouldn’t expect anything and prepare for everything. Wild summers, mild autumns, changeable winters and bright springs, many Queenslanders are reliant on their air-conditioners, heaters, fans and dehumidifiers to transform the most demanding climates into something tolerable. Like the weather, bill shock can be relentless, as our incomes are outpaced by costs and many of us start to second guess our faithful appliances.

Are your electronics bumping up your power bill? Yes. Every time you use electricity to somehow change your environment (even if it’s sweltering), you are flushing dollars down the drain – although, the rising cost of electricity can leave the most frugal and cost savvy person in the dust. So what do you do about it? Without switching everything off and freezing to death in winter, here are some real world solutions to bring the cost of living down while turning on the air-con.

Unplug Electronics After Use

Phone charges, computers, televisions, kettles, toasters and more. The only appliances that require constant juice are your fridge and an alarm clock – if you don’t use an alarm clock, scratch that one off the list. All other electronics need to be turned off at the socket after you’re finished with them, as they can still draw electricity down the line and slowly but surely add whole dollars to the power bill. It’s hard to remember at first, but if you get into the habit now your hip pocket will thank you later.

The Cold Water Wash

Washing clothes in hot water is a first world luxury that most items don’t actually benefit from, unless you’re combatting a hardy stain or following washing instructions to the letter. For a general cycle, pass up the heated appeal and go for a cold water wash – this one step can save up to $100 per year.

Air It Out

Further on the washing segment, unless you live in a shoebox city apartment, there’s no way you should be drying every load via electricity. Let the tumber dryer gather dust for a while and plan ahead, washing a few loads a week and hanging them out to dry in the sun – quick, Mother Nature has yet to be monetised, it won’t be free forever!

Switch Filters

The air-con unit can be a life saver, particularly in the scorching summer months. When was the last time the air-conditioning filters were refreshed? It may sound too simple, but a monthly change will cut serious dollars off your bill; dirty filters make your unit work overtime, clocking up heavy wattage.

Lights Out

Leaving the light on for no reason is a direct waste of money – when you leave the room, turn the light off. It sounds very basic but it’s a common behavior across most Queensland households and one that drives up the end of term dollar signs. Most electricity companies don’t care if you’ve been forgetful, they will charge you out the nose anyway.