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Electrical safety in the home – What to Remember

Safety is important for the entire family and hazards in the home need to be reduced or eliminated. Electricity, as much as it provides many of the things we need the most, like entertainment, cooking, heating and light, can be a serious hazard in the home. This article will address some of the ways that you can live safer in your home with electricity, by making some simple changes or by avoiding certain practises.

Avoid old electrical appliances

Even though an appliance may still function well, if it has a frayed cord or a broken plug, you should not use it. Old electrical appliances can cause fires and electrocution, so it is not smart to keep using them until they completely stop working. Have them repaired if appropriate, or replace them with new ones. You entire family will be safer, and you will be able to use your new appliances with complete peace of mind.

Avoid repairing electrical equipment yourself

Whether it is the wiring or electrical fittings in your home, or the electrical appliances that you own, you should never attempt to fix these yourself. You might think that you are saving money or are being clever, but if the results are not perfect you could create a serious hazard. Everyone who uses it and who lives in the building will be safer if you have your electrical gear repaired or replaced by a professional electrician.

Keep your hands away from broken power points

If a power point or switch in your building is damaged, keep well away from it and never touch it with your hands. You will also need to ensure that nobody else touches it, so you may need to block the area or close off the room until it has been fixed by a professional electrician. Remember, when you are using power points and switches on a daily basis that you need to be careful with them. Excess pressure or handling can cause them to break, which then means you need to call a professional to deal with them. Try avoiding the damage in the first place.

Clean your appliances regularly

Ensure that ovens, cooktops and other appliances are cleaned regularly. Excess dirt and grime can become a fire hazard or damage the appliances so that they become dangerous. Have respect for your electrical goods, and keep them cleaned and maintained in accordance with the instruction manuals that come from the supplier.