The electrical switchboards in our homes may often go unnoticed but it’s the first port of call when you’ve got power problems. Modern electrical switchboards are extremely simple to operate, consisting of a number of circuit breakers, a safety switch and a main power switch. In this post our domestic electricians in Brisbane at Bevan Robinson Electrical troubleshoot some common electrical problems in the home and share the solutions. We also explain how switchboards can save lives, and why upgrading an ageing switchboards is often necessary.
Problem 1: My light/appliance is not working but I still have power in other areas of the home.
The most likely problem here is that one of your circuit breakers has tripped. Fortunately this is easily fixed. Using a torch if necessary, check on the switchboard which switch is down and flick it back up. There is a chance that the problem was caused by a faulty appliance (often a toaster or kettle) and that these will need to be replaced otherwise the problem will continue. It could also be a fault in the circuit in which case you’ll need an electrician to investigate.
Problem 2: All of the power throughout my home is out!
This could be one of two things. First check the neighbouring homes in your street. If it looks like the neighbours also have no power, the problem is not with your home electrical system and you’ll just have to wait until it can be restored. If others appear to have power, check the switchbox to see if the main switch has been turned off, if it has flick it back on, however if the problem continues it’s important to get a licensed electrical contractor to determine the exact cause.
Does your switchboard need upgrading?
Your switchboard will need an upgrade sooner rather than later if:
- If your switchboard has fuses instead of circuit breakers.
- If the switchboard is running out of space to add new high energy using appliances such as pool pumps or air conditioning
- Older houses that have cast iron switches, or a wooden backing for the switchboard will need upgrading since these do not supply sufficient power needed for modern electrical equipment that are used in our homes today.
- If your switchboard is not fitted with a safety switch (identified as a big switch with the letter T or word TEST)
Don’t risk an ageing switchboard since old fuses and switchboards are a main cause of house fires.
If in doubt call Bevan Robinson Electrical today and we can provide an assessment on the electrical switchboard used in your home. Reach us today on (07) 3893 2792